This is my first hard cheese I've ever made! It was so much fun. It's called Traditional Cheddar. I've already pressed the curds and now it's air-drying for a few days. Then, I just have to brush cheese wax on it and age it for a month. This is 1 pound of cheese from a gallon of milk! I can't wait to taste it next month!
You are incredible.
That's all. You're incredible.
Can I call you Martha Stewart now? That's incredible. Was it complicated to do?
Thanks Lefty and Paige! No, it wasn't too hard at all. The most difficult part was getting the equipment (stainless steel pot, the bacteria starter, cheesecloth, a mold, a thermometer). The actual process was really easy!
Be sure to give us a tasting report after you crack into that amazing chunk of cheese. I bet it will be fantastic!
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