Monday, August 31, 2009

Sweet ice cream deal!

Head to Target! Get Dryer's ice cream for 50 cents! Here's how:

Buy 5 containers (1.5 quart) of Dreyer's ice cream for $2.50 each.
Use 5 $1 off coupons from here. (Listed under Expiring 9/12/09 as Edy's or Dreyer's 1.5-qt. Ice cream - $1/1)
Pay $7.50 out of pocket and you get a $5 Target gift card to use on your next purchase!

Yeah, baby! I have 20 in my freezer: chocolate chip cookie dough, rainbow sherbet, bananna split, mint chocolate chip, rocky road, hot cocoa, brownie, etc. It looks like an ice cream store. Yum!

Note: You do not need a Super Target to get this deal. Any ol' Target will do. Sale ends Saturday!


Grandmary said...

I'll bring the peaches!

Lefty said...

I think we'll have to stop by your place in Montana (we take the I-90 route) for some of that ice cream. Got any spumoni? No? I'll settle for some chocolate fudge brownie, peppermint or pumpkin pie...sounds like you just may have all of those.

Dillfam said...

MMMMM, too bad I'm having to clean out my freezer! Which flavor are you gonna bring to my house, dear sweet neighbor???:)

Julie said...

Heather - this is just one of the reasons I adore you! You have 20 containers of ice cream in your freezer. I miss you!